Scriptures to Ponder

Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, so that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward apprearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cosette's Teeth

This post is dedicated to my mom:
So Cosette, did not have such good luck with her teeth. She had 3 abscessed teeth. She had to have them pulled and she needed a really good cleaning. Since they put her to sleep (not death as Brayden thought that meant) to pull teeth, I went ahead and had them cleaned. $280 later, she has pearly whites. Now I am supposed to brush her teeth weekly, uh, not really doing that... Now all she needs is doggy braces since she has an under bite and they are very crooked.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pearly Whites

I had a dentist appointment today and it was the best one ever. I know that people are going to think that I am crazy, but other than getting sprayed in the face with the water the whole time, it was pain/discomfort free. The hygienist didn't even scrape on my teeth. It was pretty awesome. The last time that I was in, I asked about coming in for cleanings every 3 months! They said that I didn't need to come in that often, but she did give me one of their little scraper tools!!
So, I've been scraping on my own teeth & It's GREAT! So, I'm sure you are all very happy to know that my teeth are nice and clean.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

25 Random Facts

I posted this 2 years ago on FB, recently read it again & there have been some changes. I decided to update: 1. I'm not sure there are 25 random facts - I'm an open book & not too random. Still an open book but I guess I forget that there is still a lot that people don't know about me... 2. I have been to Oprah 2 times. Also made it to 2nd round of Wheel of Fortune 3. I was born in Korea. Still true 4. I have lived in 7 states & 15 houses. 16 houses 5. I have been dating long distance for 3 years. I've been broken up for almost 2 years! 6. I won a hula hoop contest 2 times - once my senior year for hula hooping for something like 45 minutes and my second was when I was pregnant. Yep 7. Both of my boys were born premature. Yep now Cody is almost 7 inches taller than me. 8. I am a total tech geek - I love techology. On my 4th iPhone but won't get the iPad 9. I have never broken any bone in my body or been in the hospital besides to give birth. Thank fully still true 10. I am very type A personality - but I scrapbook - I can do like 20 pages in 1 hour. It drives my bff crazy. I get my ideas & throw them together. I took a personality quiz recently & it appears that I am loosening up in my old age... 11. I love to cook and think that I am pretty good at it. :) so do my co-workers 12. I am a total girly girly - love pink but hate hearts. I have only one hole in my ear - no other piercings and no tatoos. Surprisingly still true 13. I grew up with tons for animals but do not like animals/do not have any now. OHHHHH, so NOT true anymore. 14. I volunteer at the hospital 4-8 hours a week - I am the youngest volunteer in our group. Had to quit when we moved :( 15. One day I spent the whole day at home & did not talk to a single person. I enjoyed it. One and only day, need to do that again, maybe 16. I apparently have OCD traits, but I am not OCD. I like my carpet to have perfect vacuum lines & my lawn too. 17. I was adopted & found on the streets in Korea - so we do not know my real birthday - but they say it is today! This year I celebrated all January & seriously had 3 or 4 bday parties. It was AWESOME! 18. I love meat - steak & fried foods. But I also try to eat really healthy. 19. I try not to drink caffine so sometimes a soda will keep me up all night. Drink coffee every day now & a diet soda! 20. I am a work out junkie & little obsessed with it. 21. I don't have cable & haven't for 6 years but I love the food network. Have DishNetwork now 22. I wish I were closer with my siblings. 23. Everyone that I am close to is on facebook excpet my bff - she's on now, not very active but at least she is on. And so is my Grandma (I don't even think she checks it) 24. The majority of my cars have been white. 25. My family is like the show Brothers & Sisters but instead of all the brothers & sisters that would be my cousins and aunts. I LOVE that show and I LOVE my family.

Monday, April 04, 2011


After 5 long years of fighting illness after illness, my grandfather passed away on March 25. We had his service last Friday and even though we are relieved that he is no longer suffering, it was a very hard day for me. I have lived close to him for the past 10 years and will miss seeing him as much as I did. Even typing this now, my eyes are tearing up just thinking about how much I will miss him.

My mom asked me to say something about him for the service, but it was really hard for me at that point to wrap my mind around my feelings. But I've thought about it a lot. My fondest memory will be of the doll house that he built for me. I still have it & will cherish it more now than ever before. He was such a talented man, I'm pretty sure my grandpa could build or fix anything in the whole wide world. He was more like the guys from Grumpy Old Men, but he always would sit at the table with Grandma & I and visit with us when I was over. He used to love to ask me about working at the bank. And even in his last days we discussed my job at UOP. He seemed to always want to learn about new things. That must be where I got it... :)

Not only did I live close to him recently, we actually lived with them for a couple of months and I just remember him always saying that he drove by the school and saw me kissing my boyfriend. I was in 3rd grade!! He loved to tease me. And as I got older, I loved to tease him back.

I have many more memories of him and I am happy that I have them. I spent a lot of time this past week looking at his pictures and having those memories, and I am happy to have them and happy to have had him in my life as long as I did.

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